[International] Speaking Training IT Player Install Guide > DOWNLOAD

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[International] Speaking Training IT Player Install Guide

페이지 정보

작성자 최고관리자 작성일 20-11-18 15:29 조회 2,547회 댓글 0건


■HANGLO Speaking Training Textbooks Video Audio Files & IT Player App Download Guide

All you need is your phone, your computer, and a cable to connect them.

1. Download ‘IT Player’ App on Play Store.
  : Then you’ll get a ‘IT Player’ folder created on your phone.

2. Download Speaking Training textbook files to your computer
: Download files from HANGLO website(https://www.haneng.kr)
  It’s free to download. Download and decompress the zip file.


To see more information, please click the google drive link above.
Thank you.


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